PPD Round 2

PPD Round 2

I wrote this several months ago, and never got around to posting. I have never really hidden the fact that I have struggled, sometimes more mightily than others, with depression. It has been a part of me for a long time. I try to focus my best on the positive on my social media and to other people, mostly not because I am ashamed of my depression, but I feel it combats those horrible thoughts when I try to focus on all the good I have around me.

But depression is incredibly draining. I have been focusing on my mental and physical health, and just keeping the day-to-day needs going (like caring for two children). So things, like this blog, have gone on the way side. I am hoping that I am turning a corner, that things will change, and I will be able to take joy again in my crafts and cooking and all those extra things. Since I have been focusing so much on my physical health, I think that has helped with my mental mindset a little. I am hoping that shift will continue to change towards the positive so I can be more active on here again. 🙂

Anyways, without futher ado, writing from the Elisabeth of 7 months ago:


As I sit here with a sweet, tiny, little baby boy on my chest, I have a dark secret. The soft puffs of my 4-week-old son’s baby breath tickle my neck, while my toddler sits on my lap, engaged by the TV. It’s a rare peaceful moment, a moment of beauty; the kind other mothers are constantly telling you to cherish because you’ll blink, and then suddenly the kids are off to college.

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But it’s not always possible to enjoy and cherish every moment, especially with postpartum depression.

Today is a pretty good day so far. The depression is more of a haze. It lightly lingers in the air; you can see it is there, but it doesn’t dramatically alter your course. We will go play outside before it gets too hot, and then I will try a few other tricks to keep the toddler entertained until nap time. After nap time, it’s only a few more hours before my husband makes it home and I won’t be so alone anymore. I feel the haze in my impatience with my toddler; the ease which my irritability rises, but I can check it. I can recognize it for what it is.

It’s not always this good. Some days, it’s a thick, heavy fog. The kind of dark storm where you can hardly see your own fingers raised inches in front of your face. I have never personally tried swimming in syrup, but I image the sensation would be the same; the extra exertion just to move your limbs, desperation to keep your head afloat, while everything around you sticks to you and feels a hundred times heavier than they should. Every negative thing said to you in the last week reverberates through your skull, and you beat yourself up for every action you could have handled better.

Some days, as my baby cries, I sob right along with him. I apologize that my kids are stuck with ME. So flawed, so imperfect. I apologize that I just don’t know what else to do as they cry in my arms; how much better things would be if they had somebody, anyone, really, better than me to care for them.

Every thought is distorted and twisted so far that I truly feel like my family would be better off if I just disappeared, or stopped existing.

That’s ridiculous, of course. On a day like today, it’s easy to see. My family needs me. They want me here. They love me, despite all my flaws. My daughter doesn’t understand why Mommy is so sad, and does her best to deal with the emotions that emanate from me, even when I try so hard to hide them to protect her. My husband does understand, and tries to help where he can.

It hasn’t been such a shock like the first time; a time that according to the textbooks, the parenting websites, and Facebook, should be the happiest, was one of the darkest six months of my life as I dealt with a baby who hardly slept, and when she was awake, she screamed and cried endlessly, even with rocking, feeding, changing, swinging. (She happened to find the best time to do this was from about 10PM-2AM every night. For months.) Even with treatment for her acid reflux, she still was a very vocal baby. This was all on top of my own recovery, which did not go as smoothly as I would have hoped.

I’m lucky, in a way. I’ve suffered with depression and self-esteem issues for most of my life, so I knew I was a higher risk for PPD. Especially with my second baby, my husband and I have been taking extra precautions, extra care, trying extra natural solutions from early on to help fight back that heavy fog. This time, so far, this baby’s personality is much different, and I am getting more than a hour or two of sleep a day. It’s amazing how different their personalities are, and how much that has an affect on me (this time, making it a little easier).

PPD still lingers, though. You probably wouldn’t talk to me face to face and guess, unless you asked me outright. I know other moms that have suffered, and like me, they put on a good face to the world. They don’t want to force their pain on others, for whatever the reason may be.

You never know what trial another person is suffering as they try to go throughout their own day. You don’t know what sort of cross they have been asked to bear as they try to do the best they can for themselves and their loved ones.

So please, THINK. Be kind. Offer others the benefit of the doubt. Serve them with actions before words. It doesn’t have to be much. A kind smile, a treat, a hug, can be a huge blessing for somebody who is suffering from depression, just to let them know you remember them, that they matter in some way. The advice, or “words of wisdom” that you dish out to others may do more harm, cause more feelings of guilt for somebody who is already trying their best just to make it through a minute at a time.

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Happy Green Day!

Happy Green Day!



I’m not Irish, but I really enjoy St. Patrick’s Day. Maybe even more than a holiday like Valentine’s day, because there’s not a lot of pressure for gifts or dates, and you don’t even have be in a relationship to enjoy the holiday. And for some reason, Ireland has always been one of THOSE places I have been in crush with. I even got to spend 3 glorious days there in college. I wish I could go back and finish seeing all the places I want to there some day. 🙂

So, in honor of this great, green day, we donned our green and pretended to give our kids some “culture” today. Which included a stop by at the city aquarium. Not sure how that one fit in, but Evie did sit on a green mermaid, so that counts, right?)

We almost successfully took pictures –or not– to send to Grandma of the shirts she sent for the holidays. I tried super hard to get a cute pic of the kids together… and all of them turned out like this or worse. 


Also, it involved bribing the toddler. Which is why she looks so sweet in this one. Chocolate chips do the trick, people. Or saying you can go outside to play after nap time. Whatever works. She likes to change it up often.

I made our favorite St. Patrick’s Day Shepherds Pie recipe, which is a lot of work and not entirely clean-eating approved, but worth it for a once-a-year meal!

And of course, we watched most of “The Secret of Kells” together… I love the animation and storyline, and it’s totally worth checking out if you haven’t seen it yet. I first learned about The Book Of Kells in my senior year of high school thanks to my mythology teacher, and then I actually saw it on display at one of our stops to Trinity College in Ireland, which was pretty amazing. Google is your friend if you haven’t heard of it before. It’s worth a side trip to learn about that artifact! 🙂

kells(Do you see what they did here,  people?! This happens throughout the whole movie.)

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Internet! Or as one of my favorite brothers would say: “Happy Green Day!”

Review: Homeschool Planet – Calendar/Planner

Review: Homeschool Planet – Calendar/Planner

Homeschool Planet Review

It’s been a crazy few weeks. Kids who won’t sleep. Babies who refuse to sleep. Babies getting new teeth. Appointments. Classes. Even with my two little ones, it seems like there’s always something to remember on the calendar.

Speaking of calendars and planners… For those of you out there who do homeschooling, or just have a lot to plan for your family, this review may be for you!



Homeschool Planet:

Price: $65.00/year or $6.95/month

Free 30 day trial available. (One thing I LOVE about their trial period is that you don’t have to enter in your credit card, so if you forget to cancel and your account expires, you don’t have to worry about getting charged!)

For the trial, you will need to create a FREE account with Homeschool Buyers Co-op, but emphasis goes back on the “FREE” aspect there.


Features at a glance:

  • A Calendar View that lets you see anybody’s or everybody’s calendars at once
  • A Planner View with a simple list of everything you need to do and when
  • Automatic Rescheduling
  • Separate logins for kids
  • Daily Digest emails to everyone in your family with their own schedule, assignments, and chores for the day
  • Email and text message reminders
  • Lesson plans
  • Easy attendance tracking, grading and transcript creation
  • To Do lists
  • Shopping lists (one each for each store)
  • Widgets
  • Lesson copying
  • Mobile version (limited, and it did not work very well for my Samsung smartphone)
  • Calendar sharing with other calendars like Google Calendar


Some things I personally liked about this program:

The set up is easy and straightforward.  It wasn’t hard at all. You can make it more complicated with color-coding and what have you, but that’s about it.

I liked that I could add cute pictures of my family members, to their individual profiles, too.

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I also like the backgrounds. Let’s all agree, having choices on what your calendar looks like may seem small, but that power to change it makes us happy. Some of the selections are very kid friendly, too. (Robots, musical notes, dinosaurs, oh my!)

The separate shopping lists are pretty nice. If you like to get certain items from Costco, from Target, from your local grocery store, then the ability to switch through lists is nice.

The side widgets are a nice touch, but not really necessary. I like having a daily quote to look at, but if it disappeared I wouldn’t miss it. The separate To Do lists for everyone in the family is a nice touch if you have kids old enough to log in.  And there is something so very satisfying about being able to click the checkbox and see the tasks get crossed off!


There are features I noticed that I don’t use much, but I think could be great are mostly related to actually setting up structured classes for the homeschooling or actively in school families.

Homeschool Planet keeps track of the number of days in a school year. There is also the option to track hours. You mark off your school days, holidays, etc.  I know some states require you to keep closer track of your school hours and days, so this feature would be a nice addition for those of you who fall under those regulations.

The class set up seems to take a bit of time, but once you have it down seems great! I really like the idea of having the daily digest email you and  your students with their scheduled assignments, and how it allows you to input their grades. I can’t say too much about actually using these features personally as my 2.5 year old is not allowed to get on the computer herself, and our learning is more active play, song, and reading books than graded assignments.


My overall take:

If you homeschool, this would be a great digital planner and calendar for you. It’s the whole package. You can have all your appointments, classes, plans, to do lists, grocery lists, in one place. I love the idea of older kids being able to log into their own accounts, too. I would find this an extremely useful tool in getting me organized for the school year.

This could be even useful for parents who have children in a school outside the home, too, as long as they have a teacher that openly communicates with them on assignments, etc.

However, if you are like me, without school-aged children, the most useful aspects of this calendar aren’t really worth the price tag. I have a Google Calendar, and use Google Keep for my shopping lists to share with my husband, which are free with my Google account. In that regard, I don’t get to use the most this program offers. That being said, I definitely will be considering it for when my children are old enough to start traditional school.


Check out more reviews at Home and School Mosaics.

Well, this happened. Finally.

Well, this happened. Finally.
Well, this happened. Finally.

World, meet JD.


He came into this world a little later than we were expecting him to. Lucky for him, this has been the most mild summer I’ve ever experienced in Texas, or else we would have had some serious problems. As it was, he kept us waiting quite a while.


Here’s the pic I posted on social media to help prevent people from asking me somewhat hourly if the baby had come yet. And then he waited FOUR MORE days. 11 days late total. And boy, was that exciting when he did come. I’m still working on finding time to get all the details leading up to his labor story. When I get around to it, I will post. Fortunately, my body is not in the business of making giant babies, so despite his extra incubation period, he kept it just under 8 lbs. Thanks, little guy.

So far, he’s a huge sweetie. Pretty much a complete 180 from his older sister. Maybe his mellow personality is why he was pretty comfortable with hanging tight for that extra time. But because of that sweet, mellow personality, we’ve decided to keep him. (AS IF IT WERE AN OPTION. We would have kept him anyways, but he’s helping us out by making it much more pleasant. Keep it real.)

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Big sister is doing an amazing job overall with this huge transition. I am really proud of her. We had a -really- rough first day when it was just the three of us alone for the first time, but she genuinely loves her baby brother, gives him kisses, and stops whatever she is doing when she hears him cry to let me know that “Baby J.” needs something.

I am loving my little family and am so glad that this sweet soul has now FINALLY come to join us. The sweet moments and group cuddles make all the sleepless nights and toddler tantrums totally worth it. I wouldn’t trade these cute kids for anything!