Anybody else notice these Target commercials?
2nd Grade Teacher Commericial
Music Teacher Target Commerical
Gym Teacher Target Commercial
Target: Do you have to make teachers seem so clueless and annoying? Your marketing is not working on me. If you didn’t have such good stuff, I would boycott you just because these commercials drive me NUTS!
Okay. Just had to get that out of my system. Am I just crazy, or are there any other pet peeve commercials out there for you all???
Wow. Those are annoying! I guess that is one benefit to not having TV for the past 4 years — I miss all these annoying commercials!
Very annoying!!! My pet peeve commercials are the Christmas ones that begin late September/early October. Although that may have changed, as we don’t watch TV, just DVD’s and VHS.
Commercials in general a pet peeve of mine. It’s one of the main reasons we don’t watch tv anymore. (thank goodness for Netflix!)