Baby Boots!

Baby Boots!

Have I mentioned before my addiction to all things Pinterest? Only a few times? Here, I’ll mention it again. I LOVE THIS WEBSITE. Now that I’m excited about all things crochet, Pinterest is an unending source of free, cute patterns.

Enter this pattern that I immediately had to have for Evelyn. A PATTERN THAT I COULD FOLLOW WITH PICTURES. Thank you, kind people of the world. Diagrams + pictures + instructions, I can handle that. And Youtube. Thank you all you people who post simple videos for those of us who want to know how to do a half-double crochet and have no clue what that means. You make my day. Or at least the 5 minutes afterwards when I can replicate your video.

Anyways, since Evelyn has tiny feet, but definitely isn’t a newborn anymore, I did the “newborn” pattern, but with a 5.5 hook and thicker yarn. It turned out perfectly- even slightly large for her cute little feet. The hardest decision was what buttons to put on the side of her booties!

I ended up choosing the brown from the first photo, but don’t all of these look so cute? I could make these boots in brown, or white, or black… Evelyn’s going to have all the colors of the rainbow in shoes before she’s 1! Good girl.

Here are some photos of the boots in action! Evelyn seems to like them. 🙂

Her Highness the Princess Evelyn

Her Highness the Princess Evelyn

Kaysie, a dear friend since 7th grade (how long ago that was!!!), was so kind as to send Miss Evelyn a princess dress that she made. She should create an Etsy shop or something like that, because the dress is adorable and is great for a 7 month old’s desired range of movement and comfort. Actually, she sent two dresses, but the Belle yellow dress is for when Evie is a bit bigger, so she gets to play Cinderella for now.

Too bad she can’t stand up on her own long enough to practice her sweeping and washing. (JUST KIDDING. Really.)

Her Highness was kind enough to pose nice and smiley long enough for a photo shoot, and I made the most of the pleasantries until she demanded her tea and crumpets be served.

Actually though, she prefers croissants to crumpets. Now you know.

7 months of Evelyn

7 months of Evelyn

I almost missed it because time flies so quickly these days, but Evelyn hit 7 months old today.


I am so grateful for her. She is so close to crawling, and loves to investigate everything around her. It’s getting harder and harder to take these photos because she is so interested in the paper sign next to her and wants to play with it. 🙂

I am also so grateful for my wonderful husband who works so hard to allow me to stay home and care for our beautiful girl. I can’t help but wonder sometimes what it would have been like if I had stayed in the teaching profession this year, but I can only imagine I wouldn’t be as happy as I am now.

Life is so, so good. Happy 7 months, my sweet girl.

A fun opportunity

A fun opportunity

A little while back,  I came across a fun opportunity to apply for reviewing products on my blog through Mosaic Reviews. I applied, thinking “What the heck?” Then I promptly forgot about it with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season and visiting family members. (Like you’ve never done something like that before? Be honest, now.)

Well, excitingly enough, I recently heard back from them that I was accepted as a team member and will soon be able to be receiving products and sharing reviews from time-to-time with you all. I am looking forward to this opportunity, as I have been interested in expanding my writing on my blog, and I wanted to give you all a heads up about it, too.

If it sounds like something you would be interested in checking out for yourself, they are still looking for more people to add to their team. They are looking for ALL sorts of people, so check it out!  You can find out more information for yourself here.


I think my baby is part zombie…

I think my baby is part zombie…

Okay, so I hate zombie shows and all things scary, but for whatever strange reason, we’ve recently gotten slightly hooked on “The Walking Dead”. Definitely hasn’t done anything good for my dreams or anxiety, but I do like some of the things they do on the show. I don’t watch the screen whenever the zombies show up because I’m not really into them killing people or being killed in gruesome ways, but I do like how they’ve developed the characters and relationships.

(Let’s face it though, I could easily write a list on ways to prevent a zombie apocalypse and ways to not die if people play it smart.)

Anyways, we don’t let Evie look at the TV when it’s on, and keep her distracted with other toys, but she’s recently started to growl at things. This is just one of the reasons that I think she is part zombie, or perhaps a bit vampire. It may or may not be related to the show, but either way, I find it hilarious. You can determine for yourself here:

Evie Growling

(Feel free to judge us as you deem necessary, but it’s not gonna stop us from catching up on Season Three after Evie goes to bed.)