A labor story, Part 1

A labor story, Part 1

I thought my 9:15 am appointment Thursday morning was going to be fairly similar to the week before: Go in, get checked, maybe be 3-4 centimeters dilated instead of a 1 ½- 2. I even joked with Jared that he should come to the appointment with me, in case we had exciting news, and that way he didn’t have to get to work and immediately turn around and come home again. Little did I suspect that in just 12 hours from that time, I would be minutes away from holding my baby girl in my arms.

I arrived to the OB’s office, and it was a fairly slow wait (again). I finally got put in a room and soon enough, Dr. Rush came in to check me. I was mildly disappointed to hear that I was barely 3 cm dilated, but it wasn’t the end of the world. The real shocker was when she measured my belly and found that size-wise, I hadn’t changed from last week, when I should have grown another centimeter or so.  I wasn’t too alarmed at first, since I knew that I had been a small baby, and MY baby had been consistently on the smaller side through the later part of the pregnancy.

However, that was when the doctor started throwing out terms like the baby might be “failing to thrive” in the womb and the “I” word: Induce.

After having me move into a room that had an ultrasound machine, we looked at the baby. Everything was healthy and working- heart was fine, she had been moving around all morning, etc.

But… BUT.  What an awful word.

But Baby was not growing as much as she should be. At the 39 week mark, she was now measuring in the 10th percentile for size. There was enough amniotic fluid, but it was still a little low. And the blood flow of the cord was right at a borderline number as well. All these factors had my doctor convinced that we should try to have this baby immediately. In fact, she wanted me to walk out the door, down the hallway to the hospital portion of the building and get checked in so we could induce me immediately.

Several emotions washed over me. Shock. Terror. Confusion.

I was completely overwhelmed.

You see, I was planning on having a completely natural birth. For me, this meant that I would start contractions at some part of the day or night at home. I would labor at home for awhile, using the tub, walking around the comfort of my own home in my own clothes, then eventually would switch over to the hospital for the remaining few hours of labor. I would manage my pain by using my breathing methods and visualizations that I practiced from the Bradley and Hypnobirthing books I had read, and would manage to push my baby out with no pain medicine.

Everything I had read on inducing labor meant that it was possible for all my plans to go awry. Even more “natural” methods, like breaking the bag of waters, would be putting me on an unnatural timeline and could lead to a higher risk of a C-Section.

At the same time, if my baby was potentially starting to struggle in the uterus and would do better growing outside of me than in, then wasn’t that more important than any of the plans I had previously drawn up for us?

I needed to go home. I was too upset and conflicted to go straight over to the hospital. I told my doctor I would go in after getting some things in order at home and picking up my mostly-packed overnight bag. The doctor wasn’t happy, but she wasn’t going to strap me down into a wheelchair and forcibly push me over to the hospital wing herself.  So I left.

I made it to my car and dialed Jared’s number into the phone before breaking down into tears. Trying to explain the situation to him knocked the air out of me, like being smashed in the face by a ton bricks. I think I was able to get out, “You need to come home now,” before losing the ability to speak for a full minute.

It took several minutes, me sitting in the car, not being able to drive, to explain to Jared the basics of the situation. I’m sure I wasn’t very coherent, but he got enough of it that he was going to head home immediately, telling me he’d call the kennel and get things organized so our dogs would have a place to stay over the course of our hospital visit (one less thing to worry about, right?).

Somehow, I made it home safely despite the tears that seemed intent on flowing nonstop from my eyes. I made a few more phone calls; my doula, my mother, a friend who I had been planning on doing something with later on in the day, to let them know how the plans had changed. Everyone was encouraging and helpful with getting me to slowly calm down with the situation. The doula was particularly helpful with recommendations for the situation, and said that she could come as soon as we wanted her there to help us at the hospital.

I worked around the house, getting last minute things together for Jared and me and snuggling with my dogs for comfort, until Jared got home. (Here’s the part where we look back with irony on the statements from before the morning got underway.) He started frantically packing his bag (because he had been holding off packing… part of his denial that this baby would actually come, perhaps?) and getting things in order. We then took the dogs to the kennel and dropped them off.

As we were driving away, Jared got a call from the doctor’s office, upset that we hadn’t shown up to the hospital yet. This angered me even more, because I had told the doctor previously that I needed some time, especially since this wasn’t a “critical” emergency, and a couple of hours was not going to make or break the situation. (If the baby was really in that much danger and needed to be out that immediately, I would have done it, but since that wasn’t the case, I felt like I was almost being bullied into having the baby in the way the doctor wanted.)

Once we got home to grab our bags, we had a quick bite to eat (since we knew once I was at the hospital, they weren’t going to let me have anything!). We were also able to have one of the great leaders from church drop by and give me a blessing that everything would go as well as possible for this labor experience. We got into the car and called the doula to let her know we were going to the hospital and would like her to be there for most of the process, since we were getting some curve balls thrown our way.

By this time, I felt more calm and collected, and ready to face the changes in my birth plan. I was ready to head to the hospital and start the official process of bringing my baby into this world.


You can jump to Part 2 here!

Getting close!

Getting close!

So today we hit the 38 week mark. Woohoo!

(That announcement couldn’t be complete without accompanying pictures, right?)

Had an interesting trip to the doctor’s office today, where we expected nothing, and then as she was examining me, said, “Wow! Interesting!” (Just what you want to hear in the middle of somebody examining you “down under”. Oh, did I just cross a line admitting that? Too bad. You are reading MY blog, after all.)

After I politely inquired after her reaction, the doctor said I was already at 2 centimeters dilated and 70% effaced (for those who know what that means. If you don’t, I dare you to look up “dilation and effacing” online!). Essentially, it could mean the baby is coming soon, or that she still will take her sweet time and show up in two weeks. So, it actually means WHO THE HECK KNOWS when the baby decides to arrive.

Even more exciting news, the baby’s room is near completion! I’m feeling pretty good about it at this point.

See, this was her room a week and a half ago:

Yeah, scary, I know. Since it was that darker, brownish paint, we definitely had some priming we had to do.

Then, this is what the room looked like about Tuesday:

Painted a lovely shade of Tinkerbell Green, but still no furniture set up and the carpet desperately wanted to be cleaned. (Excuse the awkward angles of the pictures, but in order to get the green coloring to show up true to shade, I had to contrast it with the white ceilings/doors.)

Then, as of yesterday evening, the room had become… this:

Some wall decorations up: Carter Jungle Jill Wall Decals courtesy of my mother…

The wall under the decals with a bookshelf and cedar chest.

A crib all set up (courtesy of the most handsome Jared!) with sheets already washed, and the mobile I PUT TOGETHER BY MYSELF WITHOUT ANY HELP! Also, we took down the remaining decals that we put on the crib in this picture because we weren’t crazy how they looked. (We might try something like this once we decide officially on her name. Could you see that in pink lettering with those cute monkeys?!)

Moving along, you can admire the nightstand, bouncer, cubbies, desk (that will also act as a changing table once we get a changing pad…)

And here you can see the dresser and bookcase, mainly full of my old Beanie Babies and then books that I mostly got from wonderful people at my baby shower. (I didn’t forget to blog on that, by the way. Still waiting on pictures from a secondary source!)

Can you tell how excited I am that her room is pretty close to complete? Her closet and dresser are full of clothes, we have diapers and wipes ready to go, and we’re just missing a few essential items like the changing pad and diaper genie.

I love, love, love how Baby Boothe’s room has really come together!

Frankenpooch update

Frankenpooch update

Good news: Stevie got his stitches out Saturday!

Bad news: He’s been tearing around the house like a fiend now that he doesn’t have annoying stitches and staples cramping his style.

Good news: He hasn’t managed to hurt himself more yet!

Bad news: Regardless, he still looks a bit mangy.

So, what looked like this:

Now looks more like this!

Big improvement, though, yes?

Speaking of news, Bonnie got to visit the vet last week, too. She apparently thought that Stevie was taking up too much of the attention around here and started to have some very concerning back problems. Every time we would try to hold her, she’d yelp. It got to be that Thursday evening she could barely walk, and even laying down or getting up on her own in her crate was making her cry. She couldn’t bend over to eat her food out of her bowl, even though she was hungry (not much is more pitiful to watch than that dog circling her food bowl, occasionally pawing at the kibble, trying to figure out some strategy to try and get the food to her mouth!). I ended up having to hand feed her for a few meals.

Anyways, vet said she’s probably got a deep muscle tweak or a very minor disc issue and sent us home with some doggie muscle relaxers and pain killer/anti-inflammatory, but said it’s nothing to be too concerned about unless it gets worse. Bonnie is loving the excuse for extra peanut butter and is pretty much back to her normal self.

We just cannot keep up with their crazy shenanigans and medical bills as we quickly approach the Baby Boothe birthday arrival, so both dogs are on probation from having too much fun until further notice.

Since this means mostly sitting with me on the couch for hours on end, they don’t seem to mind.

Things I found while browsing around…

Things I found while browsing around…

I know there’s things I should be doing that are more productive around the house.

Napping, even, but it’s hard when it’s nearly 100 degrees, you’re in your ninth month of pregnancy, and you have two hot little doggies (one that’s a big ole pathetic sicko) that want to sleep RIGHTTHERE with you. Under a blanket, no less.

So, I’m watching the DIY (Do IT Yourself) channel and browsing the web. Here are some of the awesome things I have found today.

Big Bang Theory Inspired Soft Kitty Mug

Etsy.com is such a great time waster. I’d never actually buy most of these items, but it gives you great inspiration. What’s better than Soft Kitty when you aren’t feeling well?

Not a fan of Big Bang Theory (though everyone should be, really)? Maybe these garden gnomes are more your style:

Zombie Garden Gnome, "Walking Dead" (5-6 WEEKS Before delivery)

Please don’t take this as a sign that I actually would want one of these in my own yard… Please. And thank you.

Maybe I just find this funny because my life is about to be ruled by an infant soon. You should probably just admire this whole Etsy store because it’s that great:

Accio Milk Harry Potter Bodysuit (Black) Nintendo onesie Daddy's Little Princess

And this is just a unique twist on your usual dice (or die since they are selling them individually?):

Dice (1 Die) - 3D printed, Steampunk Style, Bronze Finish


And have you ever wondered at the zoo if that animal was really determined, could s/he break the glass? Here’s a determined polar bear to answer that question!

Polar Bear

I guess I like it because of the polar bear’s awesome strength and determination, not necessarily because the glass actually breaks. Just clarifying, in case you thought I was crazy.

(Well, of course you know I’m crazy, but I digress.)

Anything that you find that you like out there? Feel free to attach in comments. Maybe next time I do a post like this, yours will be on there, too! 🙂

**Update/Edit 6-12-2012**

I just came across this today, and thought it was pretty neat (but not deserving of its own blog post).

I’m not normally a lobster fan, unless I’m eating them, but I would totally keep this one as a pet!

A catch straight out of the deep blue sea

Some weeks just stink…

Some weeks just stink…

And this week is one stinky week.

It’s been awhile since I’ve talked about my depression and anxiety issues, but it really has been a daily battle this year. I made some very specific decisions about not staying on medication. That started around the 2010-2011 school year. Things were going well in life and I felt like I had reached a place where I didn’t need it. I was still enjoying teaching, and I knew Jared and I were wanting to start a family, too.

Unfortunately, by April 2011, things were unraveling with teaching due to the potential budget cuts from the state, and soon the work place morale was extremely low. Starting the 2011-2012 school year was miserable for several reasons, many you know of from previous posts, and many that I couldn’t talk about on a blog. It would have been a perfect time for me to restart medication, but Jared and I didn’t want to postpone our family any longer, and I remained off them. Once we did find out that we had been successful in starting our family, it was that much more important to me to make sure that I was as healthy and un-medicated as possible for my unborn child. Naturally, pregnancy hormones and symptoms didn’t exactly help with a stable frame of mind.

With all that being said, there have been several days and weeks this year that have threatened to crush me, and I try not to focus too much on them. But this week has definitely made a run for the stinkiest.

1. I left a job that I thought I would be doing for several more years. Yes, it was my choice to leave, and several people there wanted me to stay, but I know it was the right choice for me at the time. However, knowing that it’s the right choice doesn’t make it any easier walking away. I suspect I will have more twinges of sadness near the end of August when I know everyone’s heading back to school, and I won’t be there.

2. My energy level is terrible… All I want to do is sleep or sit on the couch!

3. Baby Boothe preparations are not going as well as I hoped. I wanted her room to be ready by now; painted, crib set up, clothing arranged. And we still have many essentials that we need to get in order. (Shout out to my mom for some of the “big” purchases that you’ve done to help us out!) But I think that “nesting” urge is kicking in and I desperately want things to be perfect for when Baby gets here. I told Jared that if the room’s not painted by this weekend, we aren’t going to worry about it.

4. My house is a mess. Boxes from school things I had to move home over the last weekend have taken over our living room, and they’re too heavy for me to lift (especially according to Jared). Our dining room has baby stuff all up in there. It’s just so messy! That “nesting” instinct must be kicking in…

5. Stevie’s Wednesday accident. ‘Nuff said about that trauma.

6. Stevie’s stitches started coming apart Friday (DESPITE his cone-of-shame wearing). Our regular vet wouldn’t look at them, so we had to go back to the EC vet. Fortunately, they fixed him up for free since the stitches shouldn’t be coming undone yet. Unfortunately, some of them had to be completely taken out and staples put in (making him look like Dog of Frankenstein even more!). They also had to put glue on the remaining stitches to help them hold… and got glue on what’s left of his fur, too.

(Despite the hodge-podge of stitches and staples, the wound does look less inflamed! It helps when he wears his cone of shame…)

Those are just some of the bigger things that are going on right now. There’s been several little things that have just overwhelmed me this week, too, but it would sound too whiny. Plus, it’s not good to focus on all the negative. I just needed to blow off some steam from the stinky week, and purge this all from my system to move on to next week.

So, here’s to next week, and hoping that it will be much, much better than this past one!