First two-egg day!

First two-egg day!

Sometimes you need to celebrate the small stuff.

Like how our lovely Fliza Minnelli has been laying much more regularly (like 4-5 eggs in this past week!).

Or when we finally got our first BROWN egg from one of our lovely Plymouth Barred Rock ladies  this evening.

And even better, our first brown egg coincided with a green egg day, meaning we had our very first TWO-EGG day.


And with a teething toddler, today is all about celebrating the small stuff. 🙂

You Choose Part Two!

You Choose Part Two!
You Choose Part Two!

So, I have been hard at work crocheting!

The easier projects, that also were something different than I had been doing recently, were the ones from Creepy Cute Crochet.

Griiiiiiim Reaper (Super creepy cute and easy to make!)



Amazon warrior princess (Not so cute or fun to make… I am not a huge fan of her right now!)SAMSUNG

Buddies together! (One likes to bring death, the other IS Death! Haha!)


Okay, but DOWN TO BUSINESS. When it came down those cutie animals, it was ALL OVER THE PLACE. I got votes for everything! But, we simplified!


Which is coming first? The Giraffe, or The Elephant? Which one would YOU want to see cuddled up next to Evelyn?

(Kinda like “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” Which reminds me, I have a chick and an egg pattern/materials that I should get around to making sooner than later, too…)

ANYWAYS…. Please vote soon so I can get started!

Chickens: We be chillin’, right here.

Chickens: We be chillin’, right here.

Well, it’s time for an update for our fine-feathered friends from the backyard.

Since the last time we talked about those featherbrained birds, we have gotten the grand total of ONE egg. Yes. Today, I am somewhat happy to announce that we received Egg #2.

SAMSUNG(From the same bird, it appears. just slightly larger than the last.)

I have a theory on why it took so long for her to produce again. To make a very long story short, I haven’t been letting them free-range for a while. They love being able to spend at least short amounts of time in the yard, so they were none to pleased with that arrangement. (It was for their own safety, but try telling a chicken that!)

Starting Tuesday this week, I let them out for very short amounts of time every day, and after returning from a lunching event, I was rewarded with that lovely little egg. All things considered, that was very encouraging.

As an extra reward, I let them out for extra time this afternoon. They were thrilled. As in, so thrilled that the most uptight of them all, the Warrior Princess, sprawled out the dirt and let me stroke her during her dust baths. I even got a little video of the cuteness!

Click here to watch the cuteness.


SAMSUNG(And please excuse my voice in the video… I guess that’s my sweet-talking-the-chickens voice. Let’s just pretend I don’t normally sound like that.)

Next Project- YOU decide!

Next Project- YOU decide!
Next Project- YOU decide!

Okay, everyone. I have recently acquired some new crochet books, and there are SO MANY CUTE THINGS I want to start making. I really can’t make up my mind. I need your help.

You see, I had my birthday. (Yay, birthdays!) And yes, it was great. Jared went out of his way to make sure it was nothing like last year. Even Evelyn cooperated, and she was much, much sweeter than her acid refluxy little self a year ago. Jared and I even went on a grown-up dinner date thanks to a good friend who was willing to spend a hour or two with Evelyn.

After Evelyn went to bed, I got to open presents. I love presents! (Anyone who has small children can understand why we waited until after Evie’s bed time to open presents. Don’t judge.) Anyways, among these great presents, “Evelyn” and her dad gave me two darling books full of fun crocheted cuties…. And now I can’t make up my mind what to make next.


2013-08-12 10.46.38

HOW am I supposed to decide which one of these to make for Evelyn next?

On the “Creepy-Cute” side, we have the following options!

Queen Vampire:2013-08-12 10.43.23


Amazon lady:2013-08-12 10.44.16


Or Classic Grim Reaper.2013-08-12 10.44.40


Do you see now why I need help? Please, oh please, help me decide what to make next! Any favorite animals (That is a pattern you see above, please)? And a favorite creepy? Please leave a comment and help me out here!

The Toddle

The Toddle
The Toddle

I present to you a special video clip:


Watch out, world- she walks.

And talks.

Actually, she especially enjoys doing both at the same time.

2013-08-05 16.46.48

Anyways, I actually thought about recording this for the family/friends out there the other day when there was enough light for my phone to pick up the action. Then I just had to add some music to it. It fits.

Near the end she does a lot more talking, so those of you who want to hear that, just keep watching. 🙂

P.S. She does this ALL. Day. Every. Single. Day. It’s exhausting. How do people have more than one of these?!