First two-egg day!

First two-egg day!

Sometimes you need to celebrate the small stuff.

Like how our lovely Fliza Minnelli has been laying much more regularly (like 4-5 eggs in this past week!).

Or when we finally got our first BROWN egg from one of our lovely Plymouth Barred Rock ladies  this evening.

And even better, our first brown egg coincided with a green egg day, meaning we had our very first TWO-EGG day.


And with a teething toddler, today is all about celebrating the small stuff. 🙂

About Elisabeth

The joyous and sometimes odd adventures of a former English teacher and her trusty sidekicks, Jared the Hottie Husband and her two Italian Greyhounds, Stinky Stevie and Bonnie Boo. Recently the adorable baby, Princess Evelyn, has joined the clan to shake things up!

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