So… I haven’t written for a tiny bit. Not that anybody missed it!
I’ve been kind of busy and distracted. First of all, my headaches are coming back full force again. I’ve tried several different things, and nothing seems to work. I think I am just going to be cursed for the rest of my existence with the dang things. oh well. I have had my eyes checked, gone to two different doctors, had a MRI, and tried alternative herbal things and even this cranio-sacral therapy, and nothing works. Basically, I am completely healthy and fine…. other than the fact that I have these completely debilitating headaches that leave me with very little energy.
My mother also came and stayed with Jared and I last week. I hadn’t realized what a routine we had gotten into until it had to be changed! I mean, lots of small things, like placing the flatware pointing up or down in the dishwasher, or just how and when we take care of Stevie. We also ate out a lot, which is unusual for me and Jared. However, it was fun for me to show off my cooking and apartment to somebody other than Jared… you know, to inflate my ego.
We also are trying to get more actively involved with our ward here, but it comes with consequences, like being assigned a talk in sacrament meeting next week on how forgiveness brings us closer to Christ. I have to be honest– I don’t like talks. They aren’t interactive. It’s kind of sad that parts of me are constantly comparing to teaching strategies… and talks are always so….boring. Lecturing often is one of the worst teaching strategies… always reminds me of my 9th grade biology teacher, Mr. Haskell. We’d just sit and take notes on his lectures and our eyes would glaze over…and then at the end of each unit we had to turn in 8 pages of notes. (He never read more than the first page. Proof came during the Evolution chapter when one girl started to unflatteringly compare Mr. Haskell to the dinosaurs and he gave her an A.) Relating back to the talk, I feel if I am going to invest all this time into the talk, I want to make it enjoyable, meaningful, and useful to my audience that has to hear it, and sacrament talks just don’t seem to be structured that way!
Anyways… more and more, I want to teach again. I have two main things stopping me. First, the main concern are the headaches, which I have already ranted about in detail. Second of all, I need to get my license and stuff taken care of for Texas! (Officially more important, but it’s not really what’s making me hesitate.) Even though a lot of people look at me and ask if the high school kids really respected/listened to me (Yes, I am short, and kind of young, and I look kind of young…), I was able to work with the students effectively. I really enjoyed teaching and learning to and from the students I worked with. I wouldn’t even mind too much getting a teaching calling in church, probably… as long as it isn’t Primary or nursery!
Oh talks! You’ll give a great one, guaranteed, and then they’ll remember it, take notice and give you some huge calling
That really sucks about your headaches. It’s no fun when your body stops working and nobody knows why-I remember reading an essay by Virginia Wolfe about how important our health is to our development mentally and spiritually. It was really interesting. But I digress. I hope you start feeling better soon! And that you don’t have to go through much more poking and prodding.
I’m remembering you in my prayers and hope you find an answer to the headaches VERY soon. Even a little headache totally consumes me and messes up my routine. Hope your talk goes well!
My dad used to have really bad headaches everyday. He couldn’t walk, light hurt his eyes, sometimes he puked, it was really awful. They lasted for days sometimes. His doctor gave him Imitrex shots which were basically like tranquilizer darts, they would make him sleep for 3 hours straight but after using a couple of the shots his headaches stopped coming and now his headaches are very rare. So I don’t know if this will help you, but don’t give up hope! Nothing worked for him for a long time and then he found the right thing and it clicked. Good luck!
Could you imagine the primary in our ward? Holy cow that thing is huge. I sure hope neither of us get such a thing!