Daily Archives: August 11, 2011

Sick Baby Bonnie

Sick Baby Bonnie

My little girl is sick.

Edited glitz bonnie

The past few days, when I would cuddle with Bonnie, her head smelled bad. Since she’s always getting into stuff in the backyard, I figured that  she just was getting into particularly bad smelling areas, and that it would go away.

Then this morning, she was particularly needy, and kept rubbing her paw against her head. I just happened to look into her ear, and it looked pretty dirty. (No, I didn’t take pictures of it because it was gross. I was more concerned with the health of my dog than your entertainment.) I took a tissue and wiped out a little bit to make sure it wasn’t dirt, and I smelled the cottage cheese odor even more strongly.

Trying not to gag, I somehow made a connection in my head that she might have an ear infection. A quick search online of doggie ear infection symptoms did more to confirm my suspicions. (Foul smelling odor from the ears, dirty ears, trying to rub the head and ears like they are irritated…) I let Jared know that I was going to try and get her into the vet, at which time he decided to tell me she was acting weird last night when I was gone (I went to see “The Help” with some friends from work- Good adaptation of the book overall, but bring some tissues!) and thought it would probably be good for me to go through we getting Bonnie to the Vet ASAP.

We got an appointment just a hour from the time of my call. I was right on track with the ear infection call. Bonnie was such a good girl. She handled the vet a lot better than Stevie ever does (Sorry, but that dog is a shaking little pansy around strangers!), even as they were showing me how to use the cleaner and ear drop medications and cleaned her ears out.

So, if you ever need to know how to clean out your dog’s ear infections, give me a call. After two weeks and over $100 of this, I should be a pro. Oh. And don’t do the home remedy solutions like mineral water or oil. I might have nightmares from what the vets were saying about the problems that can cause.

Target Commercial Pet Peeve…

Target Commercial Pet Peeve…

Anybody else notice these Target commercials?

2nd Grade Teacher Commericial

Music Teacher Target Commerical

Gym Teacher Target Commercial

Target: Do you have to make teachers seem so clueless and annoying? Your marketing is not working on me.  If you didn’t have such good stuff, I would boycott you just because these commercials drive me NUTS!

Okay. Just had to get that out of my system. Am I just crazy, or are there any other pet peeve commercials out there for you all???