Daily Archives: October 8, 2011

A mini-adventure.

A mini-adventure.

Jared is loaning a long flatbed trailer from somebody who works at his work. This normally wouldn’t really matter to me, but 1) He’s using the trailer to tow his bike and some other people’s to a track day next week, and 2) The people live over a hour away and we had to take a lot of back roads to get there.

But it was not as bad as it could have been, because even in the most miserable situations, you can find something fun and quirky. Like an ostrich farm.

Seriously. I have photograph evidence, taken with my phone.

I promise, it looks so much cooler in real life. They are pretty impressively sized birds.

But why would anyone have an Ostrich Farm in TEXAS? What could you possibly do with that? Make really big exotic omelets? I don’t know.

Also, look at the sky.

Also more awesome in real life. In the past several months, we have had 3 days of rain, mainly yesterday and today. And it has been glorious. I don’t want it to stop!

Unfortunately, rain + a massive trailer = interesting driving conditions. Since I would rather have the rain anyways, I think it would have been much better to drive in the rain but not have the trailer for the motorcycle stuff, but for some reason, Jared thought it would be worth it. At least nobody was hurt, this time.

There’s an app for that…

There’s an app for that…

Jared has this habit of looking at apps for my phone. (He got me the good phone first, and so he’s constantly suffering from phone envy. Here’s hoping that he gets his own awesome smart phone soon…) So, he’s been looking at all sorts of things that I can download for my phone that he wishes that he could have on his own.

The other day, he came across this app called “Paper Camera” that was Amazon’s app of the day recently. Meaning that you can download the app for free when it normally costs money. He told me that I should check it out and see if I wanted to download it to my phone. I didn’t really have time to “check it out” but it sounded intriguing, so I went ahead and downloaded it (after all, it was free, right?).

What it does is takes pictures, but instantly converts them to different styles. Case in point: My classroom.

This is Comic Book style.

Neon Cola style- takes the colors and turns it into neon-light sign style.

Going simplistic- Con Tours style.

You just select the method, and it immediately shows in real-time what the image would look like BEFORE you even take the picture. Sweet, no?

Still not sold? Just check THIS out!

Jared and the pups in Con Tours mode.

Jared in the family room- Sketch Up style

And if that doesn’t melt your heart, what normally looks like this:


Turn into this:

Okay, now you’ve got to admit it- that’s pretty dang awesome. And the subject matter therein is pretty much the dictionary definition of adorable.